Thursday, 30 July 2015

Sage Intelligence Report Error: Missing Resource Office has detected a problem with this file. To help protect your computer this file cannot be opened

The error below usually pops up in Excel 2010 or above while running a report using Sage Intelligence Reporting.

This a precautionary message that halts untrusted office files from being opened. Office 2010 requires files and locations of files to be validated and trusted. ( Error message in Microsoft Office 2010: "Office has detected a problem with this file".)
In order to prevent the execution of a Sage Intelligence from being reported, you simply have to add your "EvoBICMetaData" folder to the list of trusted locations.
You do this by opening excel and going to File > Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings > Trusted Locations and clicking the Add New Locationtion button.

You can then browse to and select the folder to be added to the list of trusted locations.
This should allow all your Sage Intelligence reports to execute fully without the error popping up.